Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sometimes you feel like a nut sometimes you dont.

I have had some really good races this year but I got my butt kicked this weekend at the Down and Dirty cross country race in Warsaw. Todd Fridley was the fastest guy of the day. It was a 2nd place finish for me. Good job Todd. 1st lap was super freaking fast even for a couple of ol men. In the 2nd lap I started feeling like crap. I slowed the pace in an effort to get recovered with Todd glued to my wheel from the get go. I think he was riding with a little vengeance considering the results at the dirty little secret race a couple weeks ago. I burped some air out of my front tire in a ditch crossing as I hit the wrong line and slammed a rock. He stopped to help me get aired up as we had a huge lead. Let me say and that is a class act right there.  At the begging of the 3rd lap I knew I was in trouble when any sort of race pace effort was followed by a feeling of I think I am going to puck. So, he came around. This was our first hot weather race of the season. Most generally I am ok with the heat. So, I am not sure if it is heat related, bad nutrition, too much riding (2 laps on the race course) the day before. Not enough training rides during the 2 weeks off and packing on about 4 pounds.  Sometimes you feel like a nut sometimes you don’t.  I am trying to it figured out. It’s tuff to maintain the perfect balance of training and day to day responsibilities. After all bike racing doesn’t pay a whole lot of the bills. However I hope it keeps the Doctor visits to a minimum and it does keep me from getting fat and obnoxious (I have noticed that fat and obnoxious kind of go together).  Hope that doesn’t offend anyone. O well, don’t think anyone reads this anyway.

Hope you enjoy.
See ya when I see ya. If not before then.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Grandboys

Will here we are 1st of June another Memorial day behind us. Over the weekend, Gauge and Gavin came over for some grandboy entertainment (has a better ring to it than babysitting). We (Gauge and I) decided we needed to build a swing set. Wait a minute I think this idea started with Grandma quite some time ago, anyway.  So we decided we should make a list of stuff we were going to need. Gauge was in charge of the thinking on this project and should do most of the thinking; he is the brains of this outfit. So, the list consisted of things like boards, screws, etc., then we had in there the tools like a hammer, drill, screwdrivers, etc., and other things we would need, then he figured we would need snacks (boys get hungry you know), then Gauge had the idea that we might need sleeping bags in case we get tired (sometimes Grandpa gets tired) and needed to take a nap. Anyway several laughs later we have a swing set.  Rylan and Gavin aren’t big enough yet to help with the really big stuff like swing set building they are more into Grandpa’s bike race training regimen that was implemented when Grandma found a child carry (kind of like a car seat for a bike) seat that mounts behind the bike seat.

Hope ya enjoy.

Got to go.

Over and Out.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A blog site of my own

 I kind of like reading other peoples blog so I thought I would try a blog site of my own. I am not real chatty.  So I probably will not post a lot. I will probably post some stuff about my grandkids (I will refer to them as the grandboys), bike races/riding/riders etc., and/or whatever I want it’s my blog. I will attempt to keep it positive however I may throw in a little constructive criticism from time to time. I don’t always agree with other people and will probably offend someone.  So there, you have been warned.